And so many pictures it is hard to insure this is all in the right order...
I decided to split it in half as there is so much going on its hard to keep track of.
I will do my best though.

Simon advances into a group of young Scalies and closes one of the entrances...for now

Jon J makes first contact with the Scalies, gunning them down in a hail of fire

the pit slaves advance into the dark corridors of the scaly cave there weapons buzzing gnashing and snapping as they go making alot of noise in the darkness trying to drive the scallies out of there hiding places

Slowly but steadily The Remnants advance, taking out the baby Scalies one by one.

The Irondogs enter the central corridor, desperate to shut down a nearby hatch before they are overwhelmed
The pitslave leader finally gets taken down by shear numbers

the loss of their leader only enrages the remaining Pitslaves and they pile into the mob of juvenile Scalies
Jon J's gang fights a desperate, but successful, defence against a seemingly endless horde of juvenile Scalies
taking advantage of the chaos caused by the charging Scalies, one of Dan R's Pitslaves attempts to charge Tom, only to (narrowly) fail his charge range
For two turns shift 36 keep the pitslave pinned and fend off the scalies, until they turn the corner and the pitslave takes down a ganger and a cretin and follows up into the heavy with a flamer.
Desperate they shoot into the combat and down their own man and wound the pitfighter.
Lucky for the rest of Shift 36 the pitslaves bottle after that...
Due to a pit fighter disturbing papa scalie and taking a harpoon to the chest!
The Irondogs take the center of the Lair and find a unmapped set of vents, which they disappear into, heading home.
And on the other side of the board
The Bonehunters start to lose gangers
The Sepulchre enter the lair, dusting every scaly in their way
The Remnants advance further into the lair but end up being attacked on both sides
Even after loosing fighters the Bonehunters carry on
Until after loosing his last ganger the leader Confessor Kindly, finding himself alone in the dark, breaks for cover and flees
The ratskin tribe fights to keep their location free of scalies, and with Simons gang closing on them they have a choice to make...
They charge out of the darkness into combat with the Cawdor
But are cut down eventually
This leave the Cawdor gang in control of the middle of the Lair, but with the Guard remnant gang fleeing, they are the only invader in this half of the board
Keen to find riches they disturb mama scalie who fires off her scatter cannon downing a ganger.
Meanwhile on the other side of the board only Shift 36 are still standing and the scalies are closing in. A Cretin and the gangs leader go down holding off the scalies allowing the ratling sniper time to shoot rapid fire.
The resulting combats as the horde of young scalies and mama scalie fight the Cawdor lead the final three members of their gang to flee only to find that they ran into a dead end.

Shift 36 get a very lucky and narrow win! With only two gang members left standing the cost was high.
Gangs are able to sell the hides they collected to the guilders for the following amounts
1-10 scalies killed = 25 credits
up to 20 scalies = 35 credits
up to 40 scalies = 45 credits
up to 70 scalies = 55 credits
up to 110 scalies = 65 credits
more than 110 scalies = 75 credits
Any loot items found can either be used, given to members of your gang or auctioned off as gangs see fit.
After the other gangs had fled the area Shift 36 crept through the darkness and noticed a pulsing stone shard on a table with restraining straps. Blood covering the area, a foul stench hung in the air.
Looking at the shard they felt a bad feeling brewing deep inside each of them.
Dewitt Hyden the Ratling sniper picked up the shard and felt a flash of power run through him, he saw an eye, a great eye watching. It was his fellow gang member Arden's, magnified and distorted through the shard.
"To hell with it" he thought and tossed it down a vent shaft...
As they walked away towards home an adult scaly approached, but with no sign of violent intent on its mind.
It garbled something that as difficult to make out but sounded like "tanks"
It followed after them, why not they thought. We could do with some muscle in the gang!
(The winning gang was allowed a choice, loot the scalies lair for cash or have a scaly as a hired gun.)