Tuesday 29 December 2020

Master Gurglepox Painted

Master Gurglepox joins my crew! He is another of the many Riot Quest models I own exclusively for Riot Quest (at least until I run the Riot Quest IKRPG campaign of my dreams...)

As a mini there were a few interesting choices for me to make while painting him which typically are the thing which ends up stalling my progress and putting me off painting a model.
Picking a colour for the Cryx bonejack he rides on was one of these choices, as I haven't painted one before and want to paint any others in the future to match. 
In a similar way I haven't painted a model with this much dead flesh/undead look to it before either, so that was an interesting challenge.

The bone "head" and tusks painted up nicely in the same way I have been painting bone for a while now, its relatively easy just slowly adding smaller and smaller layers of paint starting at light brown and working towards bone white.

I went with a green glow in the furnace of the Bone jack and the Necrotech itself as well as its eyes. I think this fits with the Cryx look quite nicely.
I do love how he has some allen keys randomly hanging from the hose on the right side of him. I painted them black to match the ones I own.

And here is the scale shot with Professor Pendrake, Gurglepox is really tall as a mini (mainly due to the pose of the buzz saw) and certainly stands out on the table. 
I have loved using him as one of my go to specialists on my crew I really value the added loot he brings to the team with his abilities.

I'm running a Riot Quest painting competition! If you want to find out more about it the details are here! 

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See you all next time!

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