Tuesday 22 November 2016

Brun and Lug Painted

I got hold of Brun & Lug as part of buying a bunch of mercs they just cried out to be painted the models look so cool

Brun was quite easy to paint up but has some really nice details that really make the model.
You can't really see his eyes that well as his hat rides so low on his head, but I gave him the same glowing blue eyes I give all magic users.

The bear skin he wears as a cloak really took well to the wash I used, I'm really happy with the end result.

Lug was a blast to paint, I wanted to keep him fairly simple looking. I didn't want his armour to look too flashy

Overall I'm really happy with how they turned out.
It is a little odd to me to realise but this is the first time I have ever painted a Warlock or Warbeast! Over 1000 points of painted PP models and these are my first ones...

What do you think of my Brun and Lug? They are now in a list in my pairing for a while at least.

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