Saturday 27 June 2020

King Vinter Raelthorne IV Painted

So I've finally finished painting Vinter! I've owned him for years but never got round to finishing him.
What got me to push through and get him done was taking part in Rikers Irons Alternative history caster competition. This is the second year he's run this competition, last year I entered Menite Vald.

Here he is next to Pendrake (as per tradition).

One of the things which put me off painting him for so long was that originally I had planned to paint the metal trim on his armour gold. Changing this to P3 Orgoth Bronze (My new favourite paint) really helped me progress in painting him.

I'm looking forward to using him in an Oblivion campaign using his alt history rules (with some community mods as his PP rules are a bit trash...)

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See you all next time!

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