Monday 9 March 2020

Model Review: Boss Machorn

Today we take a look at Boss Machorn. She is a Guard class hero and a Mercenary solo in Warmachine. She is the second version of the leader model from the unit Sam and the Devil dogs.
She now has a suit of custom ironhead armour complete with rocket fists kinda like a mini Blockader!

She comes in three parts as seen above. I was sent this model to review, paint and try out by Privateer Press so big thanks to them.

I was surprised to find that the main body is made of metal, given its size I expected resin.

The arm connection points are oval shaped and deep which should lead to a good connection.

She has quite a hefty steam plant on the back of her armour, with distinctive curved exhaust stacks.

Tons of details in the legs, you can see loads of mechanical parts which would be responsible for articulating them.

The face and upper torso are exposed and have stunning detail, she will be a lot of fun to paint.

She has a stuff toy strapped to her left leg which has a set of wings,,, its a devil dog! This is an awesome little nod to her previous incarnation.

The right arm has fist clenched and is posed to be pointing out as if she is about to send out a rocket fist.

There is a slight model line running down the arm which you can see here, it took a few minutes to clean up because it is over lots of different types of details.

You can see the chain winch here at the elbow area, I like that they included a realistic (as far as it can be) way for the fists to be returned.

The other arm has a different style of shoulder armour giving the model an asymmetric look which really suits it. The logo for the Devil dogs is also on display which is cool.

The fist is open on this hand, I have seen some people put a Warjack head in its grip so it looks like she is throwing it like a sports ball.

Slight flashing on the elbow armour which took a few seconds to clean up.

And here she is fully assembled! I did pin both of the arms in the end as the weight of them made me think that it was likely they might fall off. This might not be the case for other people, but I'd rather just get it done and not have to worry.

And here is the scale shot with Professor Pendrake, I think she is well scaled compared to him as a human model - all be it in a set of steam powered armour.
Overall the quality of the model is fantastic and the pose and details make it a really exciting prospect to paint!

If you want to pick her up for yourself you can find her here from The Outpost (UK webstore I'm affiliated with)

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