Thursday 11 February 2021

Model Review: Underboss Vizkoya

Today we take a look at Underboss Vizkoya who is a Rogue class hero in Riot Quest and a Mercenary solo who is partisan for Khador in Warmachine and Hordes.
He comes in three pieces.

The upper body comes with the cape attached and has great detail. There is an unfortunate mould line which does cross over his face and one lens of the googles on his head, I was able to remove this though with a few minutes of careful filing.

His lower body also includes the harpoon gun which is in his right hand.

The tip of the harpoon has some flashing which needed removing. Lovely detail on all the rope coils on the gun which is great to see.

The crowbar has some pretty bad mould lines/mould slip which took a while to file smooth. I was fortunate that this is on a "metal" part which doesn't lose anything by being filed flat.

And here he is fully assembled.

And here is the scale shot with Professor Pendrake.
I picked him up for Riot Quest but could see him making an appearance in a IKRPG campaign for sure. I think he would make a great villain for a party to go up against, with him "hook shotting" away whenever he feels like he's losing a fight to return another day!
Some slight mould line issues with this mini but other than that a really nice sculpt which I am looking forward to painting!

Well this is the last of the Winter Wasteland Heroes I have to review I hope you've enjoyed seeing them all!

I wanted to also note the new packaging for this wave of Riot Quest minis. Fully cardboard with a Replaceable front panel (which is the art card with the same section of fluff for the mini) means that every Riot Quest mini can use the same packaging. As well as there being no plastic packaging!
This does have the slight downside that shipping them in padded envelopes could lead to the packaging being crushed where as the old plastic blister packs had no problems with this. But that's a small price to pay to be more environmentally friendly.

If you want to pick them up for yourself you can find them here at The Outpost (a UK webstore I'm affiliated with)

If you want to support my content consider taking a look at my Patreon which you can find here. I don't put any content behind a paywall but I do offer rewards to people who support me in ways like getting to vote on what content I work on in the future or outright just picking the next subject of an article.

See you all next time!

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